How is Bakrid or Eid Al Adha Celebrated in India?

India Bakrid or Eid Al Adha Holiday

India is a constitutionally secular country with people of almost every religion residing in harmony, and every religion celebrates its festivals in peace. Every religion has its share of gazetted holidays to celebrate their festivals. Islam is the second major religion in India and has festivals of its own like Eid ul Fitr Bakrid or Eid al Adha, Muharram, Eid ul Juha, etc. Bakrid or Eid al Adha is one of the major festivals of Muslims.


About Bakrid or Eid al Adha

The festival of Eid al Adha is a public holiday in India. It is observed as per the Islamic calendar and therefore celebrated on a different day each year. Muslims celebrate Bakrid or Eid al Adha to honour the loyalty of prophet Ibrahim for Allah. When Allah demanded the sacrifice of his only son, Ismail, he at first thought it was a test and ignored the demand. However, when he realized that it actually was Allah’s word and the sacrifice was necessary, he took his son, Ismail, to the peak of Mount Arafat. Ibrahim closed his eyes with a heavy heart as he led his son to the altar and drove a dagger in him for the sacrifice.

When Ibrahim opened his eyes, he was shocked and filled with grief as he saw a dead ram on the altar. He was worried that Allah would punish him as he failed to sacrifice his son, Ismail. Allah reassured him that he is satisfied with his loyalty and has been rewarded with Ismail’s life. This incident made Ibrahim even more dedicated to serving Allah.

Muslims observe Bakrid or Eid al Adha every year on the tenth day of the last month of the Muslim Calendar. The formation of the Muslim calendar is according to the moon phases and is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. Bakrid commemorates the obedience and loyalty of the Prophet Ibrahim to Allah. Muslims refer to this festival as ‘the festival of sacrifices’.


How is Bakrid or Eid Al Adha Celebrated in India?

Bakrid or Eid al Adha is one of the most prominent festivals in India. On this day, Muslims sacrifice a domestic animal which they have been rearing at home. Muslims prepare their goat for sacrifice for days and even months. They are well-fed and reared with care like a family member. Camels, goats, and sheep are most common among the animals for sacrifice. The sacrifice is known as Qurbani. A ritual is that the animal of sacrifice is not supposed to see the cleaver on the day of sacrifice. People equally divide Qurbani’s meat into three parts, one for the family, second for friends and family, and third for the poor. It is expected of every Muslim family to offer a sacrifice to Allah and do charity. Therefore, everyone has meat to feed on the day of Bakrid and Eid al Adha.

On the day of Bakrid or Eid al Adha, everyone gathers in the mosque and recites special prayers or dua at specific times. Before the sacrifice, people recite a dua for peace and prosperity.


What to Do During Bakrid or Eid Al Adha in India?

Bakrid or Eid al Adha is a public holiday in India, and thus offices and schools don’t open. The same goes for stores and marketplaces that Muslims operate. Streets of Muslim populated areas are flooded with people. Public transport is affected heavily, so if you are planning to travel, contact the authorities to check the timetable.

The animal is given a bath and sacrificed, following which its meat is dried and cooked. The family gets together to perform the sacrificial rites of the animal. In the evening, people visit each other to enjoy the delicacy.

You can visit your Muslim friends to witness their culture and sacrifice. Later you can be a part of the feast and enjoy some amazing Muslim delicacies.

Bakrid or Eid Al Adha